Tuesday, February 12, 2008

Me and My Flubb

I joined Weight Watchers a few months ago. For anyone interesting in shrinking his or her wobbly parts, I recommend this method. This week, I hit -14 pounderonis. I'm pretty sure this has never happened before.

Also this week, I had a colonoscopy. The procedure itself was no big deal; they pretty much put me out for it. But the night before, you have to drink a Fleet Phospha-Soda, which is a mega-laxative that wipes you clean so they can get good video footage in the morning.

You haven't lived unless you've drunk one of those. And as a Buddhist, when I say "you haven't lived," I mean "you haven't suffered." That shit is pure evil. I literally shudder when I think about it. I have to drink another one in about a year, and I'm already feeling dread. I swear, I bet whale piss tastes exactly the same. It's like a Kenny G album in liquid form.

1 comment:

Jeffrey said...

I've utilized the South Beach method when in need of dropping some doughnuts and it's also worked like a charm. In fact, I'm heading into the always fun "PHASE 1" stage again because I've let the chilly winter get into my guts. In that the colder it is, the more bakery and sleazeburgers I eat.

I've heard nothing but good things about Weight Watchers, glad it's working for you. If South Beach ever stops working, I'm there!

I'll make sure not to try to tempt you for a trip to Joy's in TR for a greaseburger my next time up as long as you extend me the same courtesy!